Monday, December 2, 2019

Egg fertilization

Egg fertilization (εξωσωματικη)

When we have the ovules in the wake of playing out the follicular cut and the sperm, we will continue to the insemination of the ovules for fertilization.

The fertilization of the ovules can be done by traditional IVF strategy or Intracitoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI). Ordinary In Vitro Fertilization comprises in putting an ovule encompassed by sperm cells on the way of life plate. Rather, the ICSI strategy comprises of bringing a sperm into the ovule with the assistance of a pipette.

The last is demonstrated in instances of extreme male sterility factor, past fertilization disappointments with traditional IVF , disappointments of past Artificial Insemination medications or circumstances in which we have a set number of oocytes.


Embryonic culture in the research facility

Embryonic culture in the research facility

The subsequent embryos after fertilization of the ovules are seen in the research center and are ordered by their morphology and division limit.

Embryo transfer

The transfer comprises of the presentation of the best embryos into the mother's belly with the assistance of a cannula extraordinarily intended for it. The method is completed in the working room, despite the fact that for this situation it isn't important to perform sedation, as it is a brisk and easy procedure.

Vitrification of outstanding embryos

When the embryo transfer is done, vitrification of the great quality embryos not transferred is done so they can be utilized in an ensuing cycle without the requirement for another ovarian incitement.(λαπαροσκοπηση)

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